Developing a curriculum that prioritises communication and language
Duration 0.5 days
BEST Trust

The 2021 revised framework and the new Development Matters have a clear focus on the importance of communication and language in the early years. The educational programme states that: The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development with Development Matters telling us that: High-quality early years education, with a strong focus on communication, is good for every child. It is especially positive for disadvantaged children.

Target Group All EYFS practitioners
Course Content

This session will look at how we can ensure we plan a curriculum to maximise opportunities to provide our children with the opportunities they need, through the environment we provide and the role of the adult within that environment.


(Other communication and language focused training during this autumn term: Collections for conversations; Developing role play in the early years - inside and outside; Developing mathematical vocabulary through play) see courses list
Trainer Information Liz Palmer
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