These sessions will provide opportunities to maintain up-to-date knowledge of national and local developments, hone your leadership skills and share subject-specific practice and developments to enhance your school’s curriculum provision. With an Ofsted focus on the curriculum and subject leadership in the Education Inspection Framework, these briefings are designed for subject leaders who are both experienced and new to role
Target Group
Primary School Subject Leaders and teachers
Course Content
Why Attend?
Further develop subject leadership skills
Maintain up-to-date knowledge of national and local developments and opportunities in your subject area
Enhance subject knowledge with practical ideas for leadership and classroom practice ready to take back to school
Share good practice and resources
What will it cover?
National updates
Subject pedagogy support to inform your subject curriculum and the progression of knowledge and skills through the subject strands
Consideration of subject leadership and subject improvement
Signposting to good practice resources and local initiatives and opportunities to enhance curriculum provision
Opportunities to network and share ideas with colleagues
Trainer InformationDerek Stanley - School Improvement Liverpool. We have an established reputation as one of the leading service providers in the North West. Our consultancy, training and professional development allows schools and settings to be the best they can be. Our team of highly skilled and engaging trainers are all experts in their field and are keen to share their wealth of knowledge with you. 97% of our training is rated good or better